What's New in Revu 2019
Updated Measurements and Page Scale Tools
The Measurements panel has been streamlined to improve user experience. Users will now be prompted to set a scale for drawings before placing a measurement, ensuring that takeoffs are accurate. Additionally, users can review which pages have a scale set at a glance from the Thumbnails panel and even edit or set scales from there as well. Finally, pages with a protected page scale will alert users to that status and highlight temporary scales when they're set.
Automatic Updates
Revu will now automatically check for updated versions and give users the option to update their copy when one is found. Users can also manually check for updates.
Revu Admin Controls
Several administrative controls for Revu that had once been in the Administrator application are now part of Preferences including making Revu the default PDF viewer, resetting and restoring Revu settings, and more.
Open PDF on Startup
Users can specify a PDF that Revu will open upon startup.
Improved Rendering
Get your work done faster in Revu with the new hardware-accelerated rendering engine and improved rendering modes available in Preferences.