Applies to:
- Revu for Mac 1
An explanation of what the Width and Height columns in the Markups List are for.
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The Width and Height columns in Revu’s Markups list display the actual size of a markup or stamp that has been placed on the page, and aren’t actually based on the scale set in the Measurements tab. If you need a markup, stamp or seal of approval at a specific size that needs to be independent of the scale set in the entire drawing or viewport, you can enter the desired width and height in the Properties tab.
In the example below, a 2″x2″ stamp has been applied to a drawing that was calibrated as 1/8″ = 1′-0″. You can see the stamp is not to scale with its 2″x2″ width and height values in the Markup list, compared to the 16′ length measurement on the page.
Revu for Mac 1