Best practices for measurement markups

Applies to:

  • Revu 21
  • Revu 20
  • Revu 2019
  • Revu 2018

The Measurements panel gives you access to measurement modes, page scale, precision, and Viewports for setting multiple scales on the same document.

To open the Measurements panel, select Windows > Panels > Measurements. In the bottom right corner of Revu, the page size and page scale are displayed. Before creating any measurements, you must set the appropriate scale and units.

scale not set
If you haven’t applied a scale to your drawing yet, you can select Scale Not Set to open the Apply Scale to Pages dialog.

Set your default measurements units

Default units in Revu are determined by your local region and preferred units. If you’re in the US, your measurement system is US by default, but you can change this to metric if needed. To update your default units in Revu, you must change the measurement settings for your local system. To do this:

  1. Close Revu. Select  Start > Settings, and enter measurements. Select Change the way measurements are displayed. 
  2. In the Region dialog, select Additional settings
  3. In the Customize Format dialog, select Metric for Measurement system. measurement system metric

When you reopen Revu, you should now see measurements set to your new preferred units. If your settings haven’t updated in Revu, restart your computer to ensure the change has been registered by your system. 

Set the Page Scale

Setting the page scale ensures the accuracy of all measurements placed on your drawing. If a page scale hasn’t been set on a drawing, you’ll be prompted to set a scale the first time you create a measurement. You can choose from a list of preset scales, create your own custom scales, add custom scales to the preset list, or add scales across multiple pages. 

For a complete walkthrough of setting the page scale, see this article.

Create your first measurement

After selecting your default units and setting the page scale, you can start creating accurate and precise measurements for your drawing. 

For Revu 21 users, a Basics subscription plan only has access to Length and Area. You must have a Core or Complete subscription to access all measurement tools.

In this example, we’ll create a length measurement. To do this:

  1. Open the Measurements panel.
  2. Select the measurement type. For length measurements, select the Length icon.
  3. Click to place the start point on your drawing and drag the measurement to its endpoint.

Set units for particular tools and measurements

You can also change the way your units are displayed from the Measurements panel or Properties toolbar. To do this:

  1. Select a measurement on your document. 
  2. From the Properties toolbar, select Units and choose the units you’d like displayed according to measurement type.
    The measurement will now display the units selected, leaving all other measurements on your PDF unchanged.
  3. To ensure the same units for any new measurements, open the Properties panel, scroll to the bottom, and select Set as Default. You can also do this from the Properties toolbar.

Update units for existing measurements

When you set particular units as default for a measurement tool, this only affects the selected measurement and future measurements. To apply a change in units to multiple existing measurements, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Select tool on the Navigation bar at the bottom of the window.
  2. While pressing the Shift key, click and drag a rectangle around the measurements you’d like to select. Dragging left to right will select all markups entirely within the rectangle, while dragging right to left will select markups the rectangle touches.
  3. From the Properties toolbar, select Units and choose the new units for the selected measurements.

Edit measurements and units with the Markups List

You can also update all measurement units (of the same type) on a drawing in the Markups List:

  1. Open the Markups List in the bottom left corner of Revu.
  2. Select Filter List at the top of the panel.
  3. In the far left column above Subject, select All and choose the measurement type (ex: Length Measurement).

  4. Select multiple markups by pressing Shift and clicking the measurements you’d like to update, or select all with Ctrl+A.
  5. Either from the Properties toolbar or Properties panel, select the new units, and the selected measurement markups will update accordingly.

To learn more about creating measurements and Viewports with multiple scales on a drawing, see the Revu Help Guide


Revu 21

Revu 20

Revu 2019

Revu 2018


Learn all the basics and best practices for creating accurate and precise measurements in Revu.

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